The University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) is the first university medical center in Germany to be certified in its entirety according to the standard DIN EN ISO 9001 by Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH. We happily assure our patients, employees and partners that the different quality requirements are well established and maintained throughout all areas of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.
In an enterprise, quality management is not an isolated application. High quality of patient care, research and teaching can only be ensured together, with the participation of all employees. The certification proves that the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf is well on its way – and we are proud of it.
Internal quality management
All health care facilities are legally required to introduce internal quality management. For the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf this is much more than just a requirement. Guaranteeing and continuously improving the quality of our work is our own goal. We want to:
Existing processes and states are systematically analyzed and critically scrutinized, and strategies and measures for continuous improvement are being developed. To make our work as safe as possible, we also deal intensely with how to avoid mistakes and minimize risks.
External quality assurance
All hospitals in Germany are legally obliged to participate in activities of external quality assurance.
The main objective of external quality assurance is to render medical care and nursing services comparable to those of other hospitals in Germany and to continuously improve performance. To that end, benchmarks are identified. Hospitals document their treatment data relevant to medical and nursing quality and transmit them – depending on the department – to the Federal Office for Quality Assurance (Bundesgeschäftsstelle Qualitätssicherung, BQS) or the Association for Quality Assurance Hamburg (Externe Qualitätssicherung Hamburg, EQS).
Again, at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf we perceive this as an opportunity rather than a statutory duty. Comparison with other hospitals gives us the chance for self-reflection and provides stimuli for concrete measures to improve quality per the patients’ requirements.
In accordance with our principle of transparency, in February 2006 we became the first clinic in Germany to publish the EQS data.