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Welcome to the Clinic of Neurosurgery.

Under the provisional management of PD Dr. med. Lasse Dührsen and PD Dr. med. Hanno Meyer, at the Clinic of Neurosurgery we treat patients with diseases of the brain and spinal cord. We particularly focus on procedures for treating tumors and vascular diseases of the brain. By means of special techniques such as minimally invasive surgery, endoscopy, laser irradiation, intraoperative monitoring and awake surgery, we can perform these procedures gently and successfully.

The clinic also focuses on tumors of the pituitary gland/neuroendocrinology, pituitary surgery, surgical treatment of centrally located tumors (brain stem, pineal region, ventricles, spinal cord), central motor disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, diseases of the spine and spinal cord (aneurysm, angioma, cavernoma, fistula), disc herniations, stenosis of the spinal canal and spinal cord tumors. We also concentrate on surgical treatment of diseases of the central nervous system in childhood (malignant gliomas, brain tumors, hydrocephalus) and neuroendocrinology, pediatric neurosurgery and craniofacial malformations in children.

Each year we treat approximately 3,500 inpatients and 7,500 outpatients.

Our research of brain tumor formation and growth has gained international recognition over the past 20 years and is supported by the Deutsche Krebshilfe (Engl.: German Cancer Aid) and other funding agencies. We explore new approaches to targeted therapy for tumors of the central nervous system on the basis of cell migration and vascularization.

Please direct your treatment request to the UKE International Office.

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