Welcome to the Division of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery!
Our Division, led by Prof. Dr. Dr. Marco Blessmann is a highly specialized Institution of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, which offers nearly the entire spectrum of the services in the area of Plastic Surgery (excluded hereof is the hand surgery, carried out by the Clinic of Traumatology)
Our team works in accordance with well-defined treatment standards. Therefore individual concepts, patient`s individual situations and co-morbidities are included into the treatment plan and recommendation.
We primarily focus on the treatment and reconstruction of physical defects which have been caused by accidents, infections, tumor illnesses, and chronic wound healing disorders, postoperative problems or congenital conditions. The treatment also includes all plastic operations at the face region, plus skin alterations or changes, cosmetic disturbing scars and warts.Furthermore we are specialized to all plastic-aesthetic operations as well as the treatment with „filler“, fat (-transfer) and Botulinumtoxin (botox).
The best possible restoration of physical integrity, functionality and aesthetic - this is the aim of all treatments offered at the new Department of Plastic Surgery at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) Centre for operative Medicine.In close cooperation with the obesity center Hamburg-Eppendorf, we take care of the external body appearance after successful weight loss and functional disturbing skin excess.
Furthermore, the Department of Plastic Surgery works in close cooperation with several other specialist UKE clinics such as the Clinic for General and Trauma Surgery, the Breast Centre, The Clinic for Neurosurgery as well as the ENT and the Oral and Maxillofacial Clinic. Thanks to interdisciplinary cooperation and international commutation we are able to offer an expertise on highest Level.
Every aspect of a patient’s stay is accompanied by the multilingual team of the International Office.
On the linked pages you will find more information about some of our treatment areas.